Monday 25 February 2013

Indonesian Traditional Food

I want to tell some delicious traditional Indonesian food. From Sabang to Merauke.(The beginning to the end of territory of Indonesia)

previously, most people in Indonesia like rice as a staple food, they eat it all the time, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. There is a joke That says, even if you have a loaf of bread Eaten, you are still hungry. It's gotta be rice!
Indonesian people always eat with a platefull of rice and a piece of chicken, or fish, or eggs and "sambal" (chillie souce). Indonesians like to eat hot (as in spicy) food. some tourists thought the food is more spicy than Mexican Food, they say, this is HOT.
so, here they are, some delicious traditional Indonesian food.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Indonesian Tradisional Instrumental

Homeland (NKRI/Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) is a country that includes thousands of islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke, where so many of the islands and its people are born,grow and develop various cultural areas. Traditional art which is the identity, the identity andexpression from the public media supporters.